{Shikoku Hachijūhachikasho Meguri}


Simple map of the island with temple numbers for the main 88 temples.

A clickable version of the map at the top. Click in one of the squares to zoom into that area.

Elevation Profile
Oh, this is nice. Very nice. The incredibly kind editor of the English guidebook Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide has provided us with an elevation profile of the henro trail showing the elevation changes as you progress around the island.

Click image to enlarge, but be warned, two of these file are large.

Entire profile,
in one long line.
Reformatted to make
it easier to print.
Legend by itself,
in case you want to
print it separately.

(If you want to comment on the profile, or make any suggestions, send me a note at the address on the 'Contact Me' page. Or, if you want to communicate with the editor, you can do so in the Online Forum, in the section set aside for the guidebook.)

Thanks for your efforts, Matsushita-san.

Google Maps
John Cant put together a Google Map showing the location of the 88 main temples on the henro trail. The map is called, appropriately, The 88 Temples of Shikoku Henro.

Thanks for your efforts, John.

Wall Poster/Map
The Organization for Promotion of Tourism in Shikoku has made available a wall poster-size map of the henro trail. It is published in English, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Korean. A digital copy is available at: https://shikoku-tourism.com/en/pamphlet. Look for the item labeled "HENRO MAP."

While it is a good general overview of the henro trail, it does not provide the detail that is provided in either the English or Japanese guidebooks that you will use to walk the trail. So, while this is nice to give you a large picture overview of what you are getting into, or what you just did, or for your family back home to follow your travels while you walk, this can not replace the maps in the guidebooks.

Other Maps